To The Reader,
In the Spring of 2010 I began writing short essays, one to three pages in length, which were sent out to a limited number of interested readers. Almost all of these essays dealt with the following general topics: (1) the behavior of the United States government both domestically and in terms of foreign policy, (2) the tribulations of the Middle East and particularly the nature and behavior of Israel, and (3) international law and its importance for human rights. These brief essays were well received and often redistributed by those who read them. Occasionally they were picked up by news and commentary sites. Thus, something of a demand actually grew for the essays and that led me to construct the blog,
For those readers who find these analyses worthwhile reading, an anthology of selected essays written from 2012 to 2018 has been published by Palgrave Macmillan (2019) under the title Essays Reflecting the Art of Political and Social Analysis. It is available both in hardback and as an e-book.
Lawrence Davidson
Updated December 2019